Minimized Viewmodel

A minimized viewmodel essentially moves your weapon viewmodel lower, allowing you to see more of your screen, without necessarily making your weapon go away.

Note that these are my own personal viewmodel positions I've set up a long time ago. There's plenty of other viewmodel position mods on Thunderstore.


How does it look?

When repositioning the weapons I tried to make it like how the option in Team Fortress 2 works. I also wanted to make sure the pro-screen and ammo counter for all weapons was still visible (you still wanna see the nice detail of your gun right?).

Thankfully, you don't have to worry about your shots coming out of the gun weird, it still looks fine. The ADS animation also works totally fine.

(You can see every change for each viewmodel here:

What viewmodels aren't changed by this mod?

This mod does not change viewmodels for single player. If you want it to, you can simply copy each text file's viewmodel_offset_hip and/or viewmodel_offset_ads and paste it into the SP_BASE area the same way it's in the MP_BASE area. For changes to work in SP, you first have to go into a match in MP. I have no idea why this is the case. Overhead abilities (cluster missile, energy siphon, laser shot, etc.) are currently unchanged. Ronin's sword block and arc wave are currently unchanged. This mod does not change any ADS viewmodels that actually aim down sights. Weapons like the grenadiers or titan weapons do have their ADS viewmodels modified.

Are there any downsides to this mod?

You'll never wanna go back! OoOoOoOoOoO. Nah but the only real downside I can think of is that for some weapons the animations might look a bit funky. (ex. the clip magically appears into existence)


v1.2.0 - April 13th, 2023

Uploaded the Northstar version finally (oopsie woopsie) Cleared out all the extra stuff in the keyvalues that wasn't important and possibly breaking things.

v1.1.0 - October 16th, 2021

Replaced download options with RSPNVPK versions, downloads should be much smaller and easier to install. Updated other parts of this page.

v1.0.1 - June 10th, 2021

Accidentally gave the Flatline a different ADS viewmodel, fixe

Last updated