Cap's Goofy Balance Patch
Despite the name, this is my genuine attempt at a balance patch.
A Minor Amount of Rambling
As someone with over 2.8k hours in Titanfall 2 (at this point, likely my most played game of all time), I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring sea of arguably atrocious balance patches.
In a casual, chill experience where nobody you're fighting is intentionally exploiting meta, think back in 2016-2017, I think Titanfall 2's pilot v pilot combat balance is pretty solid. They certainly do better than a lot of other FPS games at the very least. But the game's old now, everyone knows all the BS, it's been the same stale stuff for a long time.
My goal with this balance patch is not to shit on any weapons, but rather make them all pretty viable, albeit in their own niches. Simply put, sniper rifles should not be good up close, you shouldn't be getting long-range kills with your smgs, sidearms should actually be an effective choice to switch to during an engagement, etc. If nothing else, this patch should at least shift the meta in a different direction.
Additionally, I would personally prefer the Time To Kill of this game be increased across the board. Not an enormous amount mind you, but enough to be noticeable.
While this patch may modify some pilot v titan weapon damage, I have no intention to rebalance titan combat, as it's an arguably much more complex beast that I cannot say I have enough experience in that area of the game to make one.
The main problem with attempts at balance patches for the game is not being able to playtest it enough to get good results. And even when you recieve feedback about a patch, it's then hard to tell if the feedback is biased in favor of the vanilla balance or vehemently against it. Servers with a balance patch will also frequently have desync as the client likely does not have the mod for the patch installed on their own client, which leads to it generally feeling worse. All this, in addition to the amount of players using your patch not necessarily trending with how good it is but how many popular servers happen to use it. Anyway, all this coping is to say this patch is obviously not properly tested at the moment and probably never will be. With all that rambling out the way, enjoy.
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[This section goes more in-depth for describing the changes to each weapon and why. For purely objective stat changes, go here.]
Global Changes
Tactikill no longer reduces the cooldown of your tactical upon killing an enemy. This effect is instead added to every weapon at the base level, albeit at a reduced amount. Instead, Tactikill is now used to drastically modify a weapon, some being more interesting than others.
Equipping sights to your weapon will make ADS speed slightly slower, depending on the zoom level of the sight. The Gun Ready attachment is slightly faster than base, and will override the slowdown from any attached sights.
Assault Rifles
The go-to ol' reliables, all-rounders that don't necessarily excel at anything, save for general mid-range combat. Honestly, I don't think there's that much wrong with the weapons in this section. The most up-front thing I want to do here is make the Rs actually distinct from one-another.
The R-101 is disappointingly identical to the R-201 in nearly every facet, save for its objectively better ADS.
Tactikill (Starburst) - Enables Hemlok to fire 5-round bursts instead of 3.
Submachine Guns
It kind of goes without saying that the smgs in this game absolutely dominate the other weapon classes. While it's nice that they're all practically side-grades of eachother with objective inferiority being basically meaningless, this doesn't help that much when they're already kings of the roster.
But I digress, I don't intend to throw the smgs into the dumpster. For the most part, smgs retain their high effectiveness in close-range engagments.
Light Machine Guns
All around I consider the L-STAR a very solid weapon. As an LMG though, I believe it lacks in the "clip size" department with how quickly it overheats.
Tactikill (Unstable Reaction) - Weapon now overheats and cools down at drastically faster rates, with overheat becoming much more punishing, and switching off the weapon being noticeably slower.
Sniper Rifles
Double Take
Despite being a sniper rifle, the Double Take is fairly handy at close range, while being usable albeit fairly difficult at long range.
Honestly if it were up to me this gun wouldn't even exist in the game, it's the camping weapon to end all camping weapons, and takes the clicking on heads part of fps games too literally.
EVA-8 Auto
Tactikill (Double-Barrel) - [See Double-Barrel]
Double-Barrel (EVA+Tactikill)
Tactikill (Condensed Energy) - Splash damage significantly decreased, projectile slightly faster, fire rate slightly slower, knockback greatly increased.
Cold War
Changed to 3 round burst with faster charge up.
Tactikill (Starburst) - 5 round burst, charge time changed to original.
Wingman Elite
Smart Pistol
Charge Rifle
Frag Grenade
Arc Grenade
Gravity Star
Electric Smoke
Pulse Blade
Last updated
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